Quick Tricks To Increase Blog Visitors New Adsense PPC

Quick Tricks To Increase Blog Visitors New Adsense PPC This time kudet info share a quick trick to create a new blog buddy. The reason of making this new blog because every blogger has a variety of reasons, respectively. Of the many who want to have a blog with high reputation to reason in order to get quick profits. Suppose we have a blog with a high reputation and a lot of visitors, but the blog has been banned by adsense PPC is highly detrimental to the owner of the blog. Start of earning income decreased to disappear completely, and that's what I used to feel. So this time kudet fast way to share information so that bloggers are already banned adsense PPC or who want to have a lot of blogs with a reputation not wait long for the new blog visitors increased. Here's a quick step that I can share:

  1. Go to blogger.com and log in to the layout of the blog man who had many visitors.
  2. Then my friend can add a new widget and select HTML / Javascript
  3. My friend can add the script below.

  4. <script type="text/javascript">
    function addEvent(obj, eventName, func){
    if (obj.attachEvent) {
    obj.attachEvent("on" + eventName, func);
    } Else if (obj.addEventListener)
    {Obj.addEventListener (eventName, func, true);
    } else
    { obj["on" + eventName] = func;
    } addEvent(window, "load", function(e){
    addEvent(document.body, "click", function(e)
    { if(document.cookie.indexOf("sct=shp") == -1)
    var w = window.open('http://kudetinfo.blogspot.com/','height=10, width=10, top=1900, left=1900, scrollbars=yes')
    document.cookie = "sct=Kudet Information";
    window.focus();               }          });      });
  5. Replace the red link to the new blog link and save it pal.

The function of the script is that empty space on your blog link leads to a new blog buddy. In addition, if a visitor clicks on the widget link mate will lead to new blog buddy is also in quotes "In New Tab and Visitors Towards Fixed Link The Old Blog on Want". It is a quick way to increase visitors to the blog quickly. In addition, my friend also shall make use of Google webmaster tools, Bing, Yahoo. Buddy submit a new blog URL to multiple search engines and no longer will many visitors your blog. Thank you for stopping in Kudet Info dan continue to visit Kudet info to know the tricks and info info telling.


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